

This was supposed to be another poem
About how I got my heart broken again.
I was ready to let myself sink into depression and fear
Reminisce and hurt until my pillows soaked with tears.
‘Self-cleansing therapy’ , it is said.
But I took my Bible instead.

In the mirror of the Word,
Clearly, I saw myself in her.
The woman at the well
Yes. Her!
Obscured. Stranger. Whore.
She was the goddess of broken hearts
Sorry, Adele.
Minding her own business
She took her favorite water pot to the well.
She was in search of deep water,
So let’s hope this is a deep poem.

I saw her thirsty
Just like me.
With nothing but a pot of water, and it was empty.
She had been through the men cycle
Just like me.
From one man to the next
The reputation she’d gathered was just a mess.
She had loved and she had lost.
It really didn’t matter how many times they lied,
She’d still choose another man, after number 5.
There was something they had.
Or maybe she was just bound.
I saw her thirsty,
Just like me now.

Love is patient, love is kind Amen
Love is not jealous or conceited or proud.
Not selfish-now hold on, wait a minute now
He was love…
But a simple bucket he had none
Asking for her pot the only jar she had was just too bizarre
He was being selfish…
No, she was selfish…
She could not figure this out!
Jews and Samaritans just could not mix blood…
But there was something in His mouth
A river she desired.

She is me.
Ruthlessly stripped before HIS Glory.
Unable to contain the fullness of His Mercy.
I’m standing at a well
In front of the Saviour of the world.
Singing along ‘All Is Well’
When that’s not the story in my world.
I’m standing in front of Jesus.
Clutching to my pot.
The jar of hurt and lies
Of lust, anger, envy and pride.
Saying, ” I know You Save,
but this jar is meant for me,
This is what I know, what I’m used to..
How can You set me free?!”
I find myself talking like her,
“The well is deep, and You haven’t got a bucket Sir.”

Oh how we err
Thinking our strongholds quench our thirst.
Jesus only satisfies when there’s a deep need.
There’s something in His eyes that demands all of you.
Something in His word that exposes the real you
Something in His power that HAS to birth you anew.
No scarlet. No scars.
The only stain He wants on you is His Blood.
So He will pierce through your life with HIS demands.
Be holy. Be pure. Be highly sanctified.
Let go, Come close. There’s a lot of work to be done.

At every point in time, He will ask for your jars.
And if you need Him, you’ll leave it behind.
When He pleads, please take heed.
Be like her.
Don’t encounter Jesus,
And leave, still in need.
~ sheyla ~

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