I murdered a man today.
Only because he killed another just like me.
And with these bloodstained hands all I hear is
Flee Flee Flee!!!
Flee from affluence to your origin. Your country.
For you are in this world but not of it.
I am Moses. Made for such a time as this
Even before the foundations of the world
Knotting me in the womb of my mother
I was made for this.
With these bloodstained hands,
I was made a stammerer so I could order kings.
Fighting , conquering nations for the King of Kings
I, was made for this.
Purpose came to me and I bid it welcome.
Step by step, miracle after miracle, with this rod
I have tasted purpose.
Allowing him to mould me, Purpose had me.
And I had him, or so I thought.
Here I am, standing on the brink of the destination
To see but not touch.
To see, and not taste. Bloodstained heart.
Just like with my victim, I hid my flaws
Under the guise of glory and His Presence
Purpose did come!! But only for the selfless.
Laying down their veil of works and approval
You are made for such a time as this.
And purpose will tug at your heart till you give in to his plea
But the thing about purpose is it’s yours to fulfill, not to own.
And once you subscribe, you must let go of your reins
And act out HIS script.
I managed to hide it in the thick closet space of self.
Moses speak was clearly a Moses strike.
Purpose didn’t bring me this far to leave me.
I brought my self this far to ruin me.
I see the sorrow in my sister’s eyes,
Delivering me to the river to free me.
Did she know that was purpose.?
Intending to use me to save her?
Can’t believe I made it this far…
To see but not touch. Bloodstained heart.
Purpose found me
And I gave not my entirety.
Will you??
Will you like me, keep hiding bits of flesh
In the sand of religion? Approval of others?
When purpose beckons will you go halfhearted
Leaving a part of your being in Egypt??
This is where the war ends.
The war of identity.
Struggling to fully let go and let God
For purpose will come.
This moment is purpose
Every moment is purpose
The churning out of our selves
To look more like the Rock
out of which flows everlasting water
Purpose comes to find you for you.
Purpose is today. Now.
Every moment you say yes
Every baby step you take in obedience
Reveals closer and closer, the promise land
flowing with milk and honey.
The promise land is you.
The Christ-like YOU
that attracts unbelieving bees
Desperate to meet HIM too.
The promise land is Christ.
For the church to be joined to her bridegroom.
Purpose. Promise. Destiny
Has come to you for exactly a time
such as this very moment.