I look like Nemo.
In this mirror, with my less-than-able fin.
Determined to swim past these tides of temptation-Sin.
…I’m mostly lost.
Away from home – Eden.
Wondering why My Father let this happen.
I’m standing face-to-face
with my reflection.
Why does she look whole ???
Sparkling with some glory.
I know I feel like Nemo.
So far from the fold of safety.
Caught up in the chaos of society.
Where everyone else fits but me.
I just know this isn’t home.
My reflection feels comfortable in her skin
Her countenance smells of rest.
I see her scars as beautiful diamonds
Complimenting her eyes, which are dancing..
Like they understood something.
This must be heaven!
But I’m here on earth…
Must I be dreaming??
Or did I just gain understanding,.
Of when You said my life was hid with Christ in YOU.
Hid connotes a finding..
An undoing into discovery.
I’m unwrapped into Your Image
Self undone. You discovered.
The piece of You molded into me on earth.
Emotions temperamentally, Intricately woven. Purpose.
I find.
That I’m a story.
Your story.
Confined to a tiny frail vessel You call me.
Plot twist:
I’m walking back to You, to discover me.
How funny!!
when I look at me,
I don’t look like You…
But when I look at You,
Then I look like YOU
So unlike Nemo,
I let go and exchange
Lust for Love
Anger for Patience
Pride for Humility
and every other vain in me
I’m never empty
On constant surgery.
Whole is me when my mirror is YOU.
I bet I’m acting like Nemo.
Struggling past these waves to get back home.
You’re the One finding me.
YOU, are writing me.