Christian Holiday


If I had a Christian holiday,
Oh Gosh!, I would have the utmost fun.
Indulge fully in all my guilty pleasures
without the usual hint of conviction
There would be no such thing as sin right?
So no need to draw the closet blinds.
The mask of holiness,
I’d put aside just for the day and let my flesh engage
in whatever activity it may crave.
I bet it would be a wonderful day!.
A day of freedom for my soul
An experiment to expose just how
desperately wicked this heart can really be.

Just imagine, dear Saint.
A day where anything goes and God is silent.
Your natural conscience tipped over to the negative.
Where right is wrong, and wrong is right.
What would be your favorite wrong???
What weight would you gladly put on??

What a concept! Fallible and Ignorant.
For such days are all round about us.
The days are so evil that darkness is like the next door
neighbor who’s always at your house.
It actually takes COURAGE to find and keep the light.

Hypothetically speaking, if ever God’s love will allow for
such a day for His beloved child,
It’ll be for him to discover the futility of his idea of fun.
Perhaps, he might experience then
the yokes and chains tied with the darkness of sin.
He might realize, love is actually his savior, not enemy.

Dear Saint,
God does not keep us from sin to prevent us from enjoying pleasure.
He rather calls us unto holiness so as to save us
For the enjoyment of HIS full pleasures, in their original intent.
Holiness isn’t a stringent garment we put on
just so we are labelled Christians,
It is the very nature of our Father, and will likewise be our nature
As long as we keep dwelling long enough in His Presence.
None of the pleasures of this earth can show us who we really are.
If it could, gold, very precious on earth,
wouldn’t be found on the streets of heaven!.
Futile is the soul that seeks the pleasures of this world.
And slippery is the slope that becomes his abode.

Forgive me dear saints, for thinking of such an awful day,
But if ever you’ve thought of a Christian holiday,
I hope you despised the idea.
For deep down you know,
In His arms, is exactly the only place of freedom for your soul!

~ sheyla ~

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