it’s been a hot minute since i last wrote something on here. Tbh, since last year, God had been burdening me with writing and posting devotions. At first I shrugged it because, lol.. me? What do i know. There was an avenue for writing devotionals in my church but i just couldn’t shake off the feeling of inadequacy.
after all, I’ve only always been known for my free-flow, honest and somewhat relatable writeups. Fast forward, I’m glad i obeyed and took the step to write. And I’m glad i went ahead to share.
I’m proud of myself;.. even more proud of the work God has done in me these past years. Look at me, quoting scripture left and right. Loooool. And actually believing it enough to speak it out! God is good!
and God can change people!
He is the God who saves and TOTALLY saves!
boy am i Grateful!!!
the next post is very dear to me! A personal prayer burden i’ve had for a while.
Make my heart tender towards You, that i may love you and love others, the way You do.
Click ‘next’ to read, and have a blessed day