She Vows.
Do you know what it means to say you love me?
Does it look like nailing your self to the cross to save me?
To say you love me, in front of this many to be ready to shield me from the arrows of your lies.
It is to allow my soul to connect with yours, like it was in the beginning
..when we kiss, instead of our tongue.
Do you know what it means to say you love me?
It’s to admit it will take obedience to Christ to get to me.
It’s agreeing to ask Him daily what it means to find who He is
..inside of my flawed personality.
It goes beyond my flesh, my skin, my mind.
To love me is to be willing to touch my spirit with growth petals
To be able to lead me into the bosom
of the One on the highest pedestal.
To say you love me is to look beyond my eyes
And pull out the Jesus in me from wherever I hid him.
Behind the masks, of betrayal and pain.
It’s to assure the world He’s in there somewhere…
..and to take the lead, in helping me find Him.
To love me is to find Christ in me…
Do you really know what it means to say you love me….?
~ sheyla ~