The Eden Experience


There are three things you should know before you read this:

  • I’ve procrastinated this a 1000 times due to fear of your opinion as a reader
  • I’ve had a huge burden to speak.
  • I’m human. Whatever that means…

Picture me in foetal position on my bed on the 2nd. Coiled up into a ball of despair because I believed there was no reason to go on. You know those moments in life where a lot of things are happening and they seem to be happening all at once?. You can’t catch a break, your hands seem unable to grasp clarity. Yeah, those low seasons, where ending it or slipping into an escapist hole is better than the present.  Where you crave anything to forget the chaos, just for a while.

 There I lay, my phone beeping with endless texts from a friend. She was trying to encourage me with the Word and it worked. See God shows up exactly where we are. You don’t need to go to some big altar to get clean and wear white clothes to be accepted. He shows up right where you are and starts from there.

 ‘His strength is made perfect in our weakness.’  There!. Right in my lowest moment, that scripture finally made sense. God doesn’t need me to be perfect before He shows up. He shows up in the mess and heals us.

 Hear me, I pray… No matter where you are, whoever you are, whatever you’ve done, Jesus loves you…and the journey begins from there. You just have to believe.

Welcome to Eden.

 More than the garden in Genesis, for me,Eden is the place of beginnings. The original intent and ideals of God as Hewatched Himself pour out His very essence into a piece of clay called Man. Edenis believing that before the foundations of your life, there was a conversation, a communion between you and God somewhere in infinity where Hechose you to be a facet of Himself… a conduit of His Glory.

 Now before I lose all my unbelieving readers, we’ll skip the part about falling and redemption.

Let’s just say life is a puzzle. A maze. A complicated script which we act what we think the next line should be. And there are many lines. But which one leads to Him?. Which scenes will bring usclarity?

 I’ve tried to take many steps in many directions. I’ve tried to figure out, decipherwhat it really means to have breath. How time coincides with oxygen to create the present. What to do to make the now count. I’m here now, at the brink ofsomething great that I have only had glimpses of.

In hindsight, I don’t remember what I did with all the ‘nows’, now gone.

 Did I act right? Have I read my lines right?

 Here in Eden, we’re going back to the beginning, back to God’s original intent for our very lives. More like anunraveling where He unfolds the chaos in our lives to reveal the gold He hid in us. I don’t promise to know all the answers to your battles. I don’t promise togive you perfect Scriptures everyday  as I’mpersonally  still looking for where Zephaniah is. I just want to hold your hand as we go back together to the beginning. Where I know, we’ll only find gold. Precious gold. Sitting right inside of you.

 So welcome to the Eden experience. The journey of the growing millennial Christian. I hope I’m relatable enough for you to stretch out your hand to join me. But most importantly, I hope to HearGod. Hear Him, so I can speak my lines…..

  1. Sep 6, 2019 11:15 pm

    I’m just seeing this and I’m wondering why. The up side to this is I get to move on to the next without actually having to wait. God bless you! Conduit of His Glory

  2. Jan 3, 2019 10:59 pm


    • Jan 4, 2019 10:02 pm



  3. Jan 2, 2019 11:44 am


    • Jan 3, 2019 12:11 am

      @Esther Sawyerr

      awww. thank you baby

  4. Dec 10, 2018 2:44 am

    Inspiring piece. Good job. God bless this page and bless you.

  5. Dec 10, 2018 1:37 am

    Eden is a great place to start…where we know that we can’t get it wrong if we begin with God. Looking forward to this journey. God bless you dear.

    • Dec 20, 2018 8:59 pm


      thank you Wendy. A big Amen to that. God bless you too dear

  6. Dec 9, 2018 7:28 am

    Let’s go back to the beginning because I may have missed a whole lot there. Thanks Shey. Let’s do this!

    • Dec 20, 2018 8:58 pm


      Amen. love you Judy and thank you so much. looking forward to this incredible journey.

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